One of the many limitations of Edit controls used in TWindows is that the edit buffer is allocated from the local heap and is normally much smaller than 32K (the Edit controls maximum size). UGLBEDIT provides a descendant to TEdit called TGLBEdit that allocates its edit buffer from the Windows Global Heap rather than the local heap. Also provided is a descendant of TFileWindow called TBigFileWindow that makes use of the TGLBEdit object. This routine was translated from a C++ file available in the Borland C++ library (64KEDI.ZIP). The original C++ file provided instructions to expand the edit buffer to 64K, but this involves modifying TEdit, TStatic, TFileWindow and TEditWindow and seemed somewhat dangerous. TGLBEdit limits the buffer to roughly 32K. If you're ambitious, you can get the file and give it a try. The original C++ file is by Gene Daniel and is called 64KEDI.ZIP. Mike Taylor CompuServe 76625,2552